July 27, 2024 Local Stories in and Around St. Joseph, Illinois

Email billing to start next month for sewer

Starting next month St. Joseph residents can get their sewer bills in their email.

The paperwork to sign up is available online at the village website.

Village administrator Joe Hackney said more than 60 people have already signed up.

“Lots of people are asking for it,” he said. “It’s just one of those little things.”

Hackney said the village hopes 25 to 50 percent of residents will take advantage of the service.

Hackney said the change will provide the village with cost savings.

“Postage is always going up,” he said.

Hackney said it is just one more service the village is providing for the convenience of residents.

“A lot of younger residents do all of their billing online,” he said. “Just like auto pay, we want to add a single payment portal. Eventually, you could look up billing history. We want to emulate Ameren and the conveniences they offer.”

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