I am here. With my 20 closest friends.
We are moving the agenda all over to get people in and out. (It’s allowed. No one say it’s a violation. It is not.)
They only want to recommend an office or bank with a drive-through to be added to special uses for R1.
This is not approving the bank. It is just giving the option R1.
The second item is approving the special use permit application from the bank but it has been continued until the meeting in May. The application wasn’t completed.
They approved Art’s request to use part of his side yard when rebuilding his house. Who would have thought you needed a special use for that? Not I. He abstained, obviously.
Clark Dietz time. I was told this could go an hour. #letusprayitdoesnot
This has to do with the bonds and capital projects under consideration. Discussing possible expansion of the village north of the interstate. This is all theoretical. They will do a study for viability. And this is like two, three, four, five, six, ten years from now. I don’t think this is anything that is happening this year or even next from the way the mayor is talking.
This is a lot of talk about debt service, how much money to take out in bonds and what it will cost to pay back, ect.
DIscussing outdoor dining now.
They are formalizing the ordinance for outdoor dining so it can apply to other restaurants not just Rochs. They are discussing putting limitations on what roads would be allowed, ect. For example they probably wouldn’t allow outdoor dining on the middle of Rt. 150.
Budget changes: The school will pay the crossing guard closest to the school/middle school. Fireworks will take place in August, ect.
Still discussing the budget. How they have to run an ad, ect.
Discussing doing ceremonies for placing the honorary street signs for Aaron Landers and BJ Hackler.
They will do ceremonies at 9:30 a.m. at Lincoln and Main for BJ Hackler and 11 a.m. on Aspen Court of Aaron Landers on May 14.
150th celebration will be the second week in August with the festival. It’s 150 years celebration.
Will discuss logo in May.
Meeeting adjourned.
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