I am here so you don’t have to be. This time about five years ago Bob Rigdon and BJ Hackler were discussing what would happen if I gave birth to Sully during a board meeting. BJ said they would handle it. #Ihavenodoubtthatistrue
A resident is here to ask them about picking up leaves. Says his trees didn’t shed their leaves until after Dec. 3. #thishappenedatmyhousetoo He has 15 bags.
Dan Davis said that Friday night we basically had a storm and the village should take that into consideration. “For me, it is a nonissue, let’s just get after it.”
Max Painter It sounds like there are more people out there.
It is happening. They are doing another leaf pick-up of bags. So expect them to pick them up this week, next. Just get the leave bags out if they are sitting in your garage. It’s just when they have time so there’s no set schedule.
We are talking about the sewer design project near Elm Street. This is engineer-level stuff Basically, they want to do two projects at once. Replace the Sewer and Replace Elm Street. It would double the cost of the project which is estimated to be 1.5 million and the road replacement would be another 1.3 million. They are also talking about Douglas Street. Art asking a lot of questions now. He’s asking questions about storm drainage and the woman presenting has said she doesn’t know as much as other people in Clark Dietz’s office because her expertise is sewer but she can get him that answer.
In other news, I found what looks like a windowpane in the parking lot. if it’s yours it’s in the village hall now.
None of this really matters to the average person. Here’s what you need to know. If they redo the sewer on the road you live on you will not be without service. They reroute it somehow while the work is being done.
Art wants to know how they are paying for it.
Tami saying it makes more sense to discuss doing douglas street now too.
Basically this was all just informative. Nothing decided.
Art has more questions.
I really want them to get to the next item. They are buying the empty lot near Spring Green for $130,000 from Mennenga Construction Inc. if they approve it. But no, we are still discussing this theoretical project they aren’t voting on tonight. #givemestrength
Can we please move on? I love watching the administrator during meetings because you can tell he just wants the meetings to be more streamlined and it is never, ever going to happen.
MOVING ON. BUYING LAND!!!! They are entering a land sale agreement and will do a phase one environmental audit as part of the agreement. They made the motion to move ahead with the purchase. It’s happening. I am going to guess they want this land for some sort of municipal building. It’s probably not big enough for a community center.
Motor Fuel Resolution- they have to approve it. Nothing to see here.
Art is trying to delay the splash pad again. They are creating an account so the committee has somewhere to deposit the money and he says it’s premature. Max Painter and Jim Wagner are splash pad heroes and made the motion to create the account. Art voted for the motion.
They are canceling the Dec. 28 meeting. Praise the lord so we don’t have to argue about the Splash pad.
They are going to do a community survey in 2022. If you complete it you have the chance to win a gift certificate. The survey will be at the community building you can pick up a paper copy or they will have an online portal. I will get you the address. It will be open from January to February. Communities Joe has worked with before get 10 to 15 percent of the community responding. I am making it a personal goal to encourage people to participate.
We are appointing a Mayor Pro-Tem which means it is just someone who fills in if Tami isn’t able to. She’s appointing Terri because she has filled in for her before.
We have two more things. Let’s get this done.
Art is going to make a motion to rename Main and Lincoln for BJ Hackler. Mike Peters is recommending they do Ethel from Main to Fifth Street. Art recommends asking the family which they prefer.
He also wants to make a motion to name a street after Aaron Landers- Aspen is the street Art is thinking of.
Max is talking about lights at the ball diamonds.
Terri and Max visited the Smith Brothers Food Truck this weekend.
The Santa Run is Saturday. You can sign up the day of but tonight is the last night to sign up online. There are 400 people signed up. Get more info here https://www.facebook.com/events/1263874010713081
There will be an open house for Julie Hendrickson’s retirement on Dec. 28 at 3 pm. at Village Hall. There will be cake.
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