February 17, 2025 Local Stories in and Around St. Joseph, Illinois

Live at St. Joseph Village Board, Aug. 24, 2021

I am here at village board. There are four people in the audience. The lawyer and Mr. Sennert doing IT.

Doing a moment of silence for Aaron Landers.

Tami said she was at a fundraiser Saturday in Danville. The fireworks company St. Joseph uses donated 12,000 worth of fireworks for the fundraiser.

Discussing lights at the sports complex.

They are discussing a resolution to offering exemption from the Village sewer and subdivision requirements in the extraterritorial area. (It’s by the burn pile.) Art is for some reason concerned about the burn pit and smoke now. They already voted on this at a previous meeting so I am confused why this is even an issue.

Tami is saying she is not going to take the heat when the people come back to the board because they were here for two separate meetings and the burn pile was brought up in passing. I LOVE when she does this. Legit. She doesn’t hide her annoyance when the board tries to derail stuff that was already decided. And honestly, it’s a giant waste of time and tax dollars to have multiple meetings, decide things than undecide them.

Art said previously that village workers were concerned about the smoke from the burn pit.

Terri coming in for some logic and asking Luke and Mike, who are on zoom, what they think.

Luke saying he is sorry he asked the question because he didn’t think it would turn into this discussion. #lukeisahero #forreal #Ijustlol

This is a completely useless conversation. It’s about a theoretical problem in the future.

Woodland Drainage project update: the homeowner at W. Woodland has a tile, they bought the house that was built in the 70s. The house was built over the storm tile. (OMG) THey are going to reroute the tile and abandon the one under the house because it is causing major issues. They are going to have to remove trees.

The homeowners have had up to 14 inches of rain in their basement. #WOW

Discussing what the village can do about it. It’s probably not particularly interesting unless you own that home. 🙂 I think the village is going to take care of it though.

Greg Birt is here discussing renting ball diamonds for NSA.

They are working on new rental fees and will have a proposal next meeting.

Art is saying people told him they didn’t know the festival was going on. Are. You. Serious? 1. there was a sign at the high school four-way stop. 2. Angela Page was all over Facebook promoting it. She did amazing. 3. You could see it if you drive over the overpass.

Bingo was popular.

Mike said fireworks were good.

Tami saying she only heard positive things. Thanking the committee for putting it together.

Tami saying that some of the census numbers have been reported. St. Joseph had the best response rate in the county. Population went down by 157 people.

Tami is not happy. That will cost the village $27,000 from funding.

Dan Davis is asking why they pay for a crossing guard and discussing how they are taking responsibility for the kids and open it up for liability.

Tiffany explaining that they started when a child was killed crossing the road.

An SUV almost hit the crossing guard and a child on Rt. 150 on Friday.

Stay off your phones and pay attention when on Rt. 150 and Peters Drive near the grade school. Watch for the children and the crossing guards. PERIOD.

Luke saying the Public Works people who subbed for the crossing guard said there is a big problem and they need to discuss other options- getting police involved, more lighting. Luke saying the crossing guards do a great job.

Joe’s giving his report. Scheduling a vision setting meeting.

He wants to meet with the trustees to discuss why they are on the board and why they do this.

There are no committee meeting reports.

Art saying the village should name a street after Aaron Landers. Dan Davis likes this idea and thinks its is appropriate and Jim Wagner is offering to make the sign. Art saying officers have a target on their back due to politics.

Public works installed new snazzy picnic tables and a park bench.

Tami giving a brief update on the litigation situation. I got kicked out. Its about the house down by the rail trail.

Meeting over.

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