February 17, 2025 Local Stories in and Around St. Joseph, Illinois

Live at St. Joseph Village Board August 9, 2022

I am the only one in the audience so far.

Thanks to MX electric for sponsoring our live blogs.

They are discussing bills.

They thanked Debbie for all her hard work in the front office. Apparently, some of the public hasn’t been the nicest. #shedoesntsetthesewerrates

No one is here for public comments.

CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS! Discussing the placement of the tree. Discussing a tree that isn’t permanently located anywhere. It could be moved year to year and wouldn’t take up parking in the summer, ect. OR they could plant a tree and decorate it on a yearly basis.

Tami is saying the Christmas decorations generated excitement in the community. #itstrue Saying she wants to work with businesses, people in the community to grow the Christmas parade, the tree, decorations, ect.

They are discussing a 15 foot tree.

Golf cart ordinance. This is to allow mini trucks on the streets.

Max Painter saying they can’t even control what is on the streets now. “Half of the golf carts aren’t registered or its gaters.”

They are going to get insurance quotes. #funtimes.

Discussing vacating the alley at the high school.

Discussing opting into the Champaign County GIS. Here is what that is. They opted in.

Discussing allowing the village administrator to coordinate a voluntary abatement within the village. Basically, they are discussing cleaning up a property after multiple attempts to ask the resident to do it. Joe is saying his gut instinct is to prosecute all of them “that keeps it a black and white process.” Wagner saying that process takes a while. Joe saying the other part of the job is to “read the room and keep the peace.”

Apparently, the yard they are discussing is a lot of yard toys and yard ornaments. Luke said the village workers will not be throwing away toys.

Joe really wants them to prosecute I think because he just said if they are starting the clean up and the property owner says “Leave” they will drop the items and leave. If they prosecute a judge gives them an order to clean it up.

The village will not be throwing away kids toys and the toys will be moved to the back of the property.

They are entering into an agreement with the property owner that will allow the village to clean up a property.

Discussing paying for sewer hookups on Evergreen and Stout. I live by the house in Evergreen and their poor yard!!!!

Luke is saying they need to move forward so they can get the sewer hooked up to the house on evergreen.

Here’s a memo from Ameren.

Tami urging everyone to attend the festival and the 150th.

Don’t forget to vote in the little prince and princess contest in the cups at IGA, Longview and DQ.

Tami discussing sewer bills and how extra water usage like pools, watering your yard and flowers affects your sewer bills. Saying village staff did a great job handling the extra calls and issues. Some people were verbally abusive to the office staff. Don’t be like that. Seriously. Tami said it also sometimes happens with the public works staff- people will stop them and are aggressive over things they don’t have anything to do with. #DONTYELLATPUBLICWORKSPEOPLE


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