Discussing a parking lease downtown for Hartke. I got here four minutes late and they were really going at it over this lease agreement. Sue thinks its unnecessary, said constituents don’t want it and if you start leasing the alleys everyone will want an alley. Acklin and Lewis are tired of discussing it. It’s $100 per year for two parking spots in the alley.
Jim Haan said it shouldn’t be $100 a year but should be more.
4-2. It passes.
Discussing sewer billing. Jim Haan is saying the billed amount isn’t correct with the ordinance.
He has proposed changes to the billing that would be voted on for next month. The change would try to minimize the differences for users. Users were already told the rates would raise on May 1. The village is raising out on $3,000 a year because of the error. It sounds like there is an accounting error with the program they use. They are undercharging people right now, said Clerk Jennifer Bowman. “We are cheating ourselves,” she said.
They are going to discuss it next month.
They are taking a family to court who won’t clean up a property. The family has gotten multiple letters, ect. What will happen is that the village will take the family to court and eventually they will take the property if the family won’t clean it up.
Discussing a wrecked vehicle and used tires in the alley.
Water: Randy repaired a line on broadway and west. There was a significant leak. Loren and Randy repaired a water hydrant that was leaking. A resident also had a substantial leak. The library also had a leak. That’s a lot of water issues.
Events: The festival is moving along. Masonic is not holding a breakfast. No helicopter rides. Rockwall, Carnival will be here.
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