February 14, 2025 Local Stories in and Around St. Joseph, Illinois

Project honoring service members to be continued

The SJO Service Member Project is being reinstated thanks to two local women.

Mindy Reynolds and Lee Janusch want to see the project where SJO graduates who have completed basic training are honored with signs around town continue.

“I personally think it is an amazing program,” Janusch said. “It’s something we think needs to continue.”

The program was originally started by St. Joseph resident James Wasson.
Wasson funded the program through donations. The signs have an American flag, yellow ribbon and the soldier’s name with his or her branch of service on them.

The signs are then placed on light poles around town.
The signs stay up until the service member comes home from service. The sign is then presented to the service member. The signs are provided free of charge to the service member.

Janusch and Reynolds asked the board to cover the cost of the signs, which they anticipate being $60 per year.

Janusch said she would be nervous handling a lot of donated money.
Mayor Tami Fruhling-Voges said the village supported the project and would happy to accept donated money at Village Hall.

“I appreciate it,” Fruhling-Voges said. “It’s great for you to get this.”

At a recent village board meeting, MiReena Burris was presented with her SJO Service Member sign.

Burris served eight years in the United States Marine Corps as a Motor Transport Operator.

She was deployed once and went on multiple overseas missions. She currently works at Carter’s Furniture and enjoys being a full-time Mom to her three-year-old son. She retired from the Marine Corps as a sergeant.

Josh Reynolds was also presented with his sign.

Reynolds served for six years at Whiteman Air Force Base as a fuel specialist and was an expert in hot refueling B2 Stealth Bombers.

He also performed forward arming and refueling point missions. He also earned his Associates Degree in Business/Logistics and Management.

He was deployed for eight months in addition to constantly traveling following the B2 in missions and exercises and saw over 20 countries. He will be joining the Air Reserve in July.

He is currently a student while working full-time as the Assistant Manager for 5 Star Nutrition Champaign.

For more information or to nominate an SJO graduate who has completed basic training visit the group’s Facebook page.

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