1. Why did you decide to run for school board?
I ran initially and continue to run because I would like to make a positive difference in our community.
2. What is the biggest challenge facing the district?
I think the biggest challenge facing the village will continue to be the upgrading of an antiquated drainage system. The village has made great strides in the last few years, but we still have a ways to go.
3. What are your goals for the next four years?
Goals for the next four years would include: completing the drainage system upgrade, adding more business in a controlled fashion, adding subdivisions for additional housing in a controlled fashion, and a general cleanup of property along the rails to trails path through town.
4. How would you describe the actual job of a school board member?
The role of a board member is to help run the village in an efficient and fiscally responsible manner. Decisions must be made based on what is best for the community as a whole, regardless of personal feelings regarding a given situation.
5. What do you want the public to know about you?
Although I was not raised in Ogden, I have lived here for 40 years as of this August, and so consider myself an “Ogden guy.” We chose to raise our three children here, and I retired as superintendent from St. Joseph-Ogden High School. I could not think of a better community to have lived and raised a family.
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