February 17, 2025 Local Stories in and Around St. Joseph, Illinois

Wife Tribe looks to help those in need

The St. Joseph-Stanton Fire Wife Tribe wants to bring the community together.

The group, founded this summer, was created by the wives of St. Joseph-Stanton Fire Protection District members.

Tribe member Vickie Reese said that years ago the fire wives used to get together and host events.

“We decided to try it again in hopes to bring all of the department families together, as well as bring the community together,” she said. “After all, it does take a village.”
The group, which currently has 22 members, has monthly meetings. Reese said half the members usually attend the meetings. At the meetings, the group discusses how they could benefit the village.

The group already has a long list of events they will be hosting. They will be doing a 50/50 raffle at the St. Joseph-Stanton Pancake Breakfast on Aug. 10 at the fire station from 6:30 to 10 a.m. They will also sell tickets at the festival on Friday and Saturday. The drawing will be held at 8 p.m. Saturday.

The group will also walk in the St. Joseph Community Parade to fill a firefighter boot with donations for the Muscular Dystrophy Association.

During the fall town wide garage sales on Sept. 12-14 the group will have a sale on Friday and Saturday.

They will also host a Halloween event on Oct. 31 as well as hosting Santa in December.

“The main purpose of the Fire Wife Tribe is to stand by our husbands to support our community,” Reese said. “Our husbands help out in their way and this is our way of giving back. We hope to be able to host an event a month at the firehouse to involve the children of our community and their families.”

The group also hopes to host a daddy daughter dance on Valentines Day and a mother son dance in May.

‘We are very excited,” Reese said. “Our group has been organized to give back to our community with the children as our main focus.”

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